
Our software developed over 15 years, has a huge raft of features - below is just a few of these. To get a full list and in depth look at each feature please contact us for a free no obligation demonstration of the software.


3D Solid Modelling Engine

Templates & Custom Filters

Templates and user defined custom filters allow you to quickly identify the door / door set required. Quickly search FD ratings, thickness, acoustic ratings, etc.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

3D Solid Modelling Engine

Our 3D solid modelling engine has been built from the ground up so that you can see your products in as much detail as possible.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Any Material & Unlimited Cores

Any material can be used for a door, you can have unlimited number of cores.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Wrapped / Post Formed Doors

Following your company's tooling and processes the software is our most accurate ever, making sure everything is correct down to the finest of detail.

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Our software can aid your company in being compliant with the UK Construction Products Regulation.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Ironmongery & Signage

On the fly you can produce cross-sections and section cutouts with just a couple of clicks.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Highly Accurate Quoting

Following your company's tooling and processes the software is our most accurate ever making sure its correct down to the finest of detail.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Cross-Sections & Cutouts

On the fly you can produce cross-sections and section cutouts with just a couple of clicks.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Batching & Revisions

Easily split large jobs up into batches or sets of changes to revisions. Maybe batch doors by floor in big buildings, this makes sure things more visible and easier to manage.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Excel Support

Lots of door manufacturers still heavily rely on Microsoft Excel to manage jobs. Our software works alongside or completely replaces the need for Excel.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine


One of the biggest tasks in the manufacturing process is working out where on the factory floor amongst the other jobs the new job fits in. Our software works all of that out for you.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

CRM & File Storage

Keep track of customer correspondence, project information and store all of your files for each nicely against either of them. Set reminders so that you never forget to call someone back or do something ever again.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Lead Generation

What do you do when a new enquiry comes into the business? Our software can link directly to your website, so that new enquiries that come from your contact form are stored where you can't lose them. This same system can work for manual calls that come in.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Time Tracking

Employee time sheets and time tracking at each project stage gives you accurate timings down to the minute. This can then be fed back to the estimating stage to make things continually more accurate.

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3D Solid Modelling Engine

Fully Customisable Reporting

Reporting across all areas of the business from financial to a jobs progress on the factory floor our software shows you everything in full clarity, in real time, so that you can make the best decisions possible.

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